Restorative justice is a more valuable approach to conflict resolution in summer camps than punitive punishment because it focuses on repairing the harm that has been done, rather than simply punishing the offender. This approach can help to build stronger relationships between campers, staff, and the camp community as a whole.

Punitive punishment, on the other hand, can often lead to resentment and anger, which can make it difficult for campers to learn from their mistakes and move on. In addition, punitive punishment can create a climate of fear and distrust, which can make it difficult for campers to feel safe and supported at camp.

Restorative justice, on the other hand, creates a space where campers can come together to talk about what happened, understand each other's perspectives, and make amends. This approach can help campers to learn from their mistakes, develop empathy for others, and build stronger relationships.

Here are some of the benefits of using restorative justice in summer camps:

When harm is done...

Ensure Safety & Take A Breather

Reflect On The Harm

Restore The Relationship

Support & Fix It